Help turn a classic synth cult album into an eargasm of 5.1 surround with videos and a commemorative hardbound book!
Despite being released on Capitol Records' ill-fated “Cinema” label and getting locked away for decades collecting dust, nothing could keep true Interstellar Suite fans from giving up hope.
After twenty-five years of cards, letters and emails, we hear you. You’re the reason this sci-fi synth orchestral adventure has remained alive, and yes… it’s high time this cult classic got remixed in surround sound. It’s the very least we could do for our amazing fans (not to mention all you quirky audiophiles out there). But we can’t do it alone…
Amin Bhatia has already begun working with award winning producer/engineer Frank Morrone (think Lost and The Kennedys) to transform his original analog baby into a 25th Anniversary 5.1 Surround Edition. It’s not straightforward and it’s not easy but it’s already blowing the ears and minds of everyone involved on the project. Being the proven overachiever he is however, Amin wants to take the project one step further by creating a very special commemorative package for you, our amazing fans.
Just imagine a glossy, full color Collectors Edition hardcover book containing selected images, digital artist impressions, and the ultimate liner notes to enjoy while the new mix envelopes you. Add in bonus audio, all sorts of video extras, and… well you’re just starting to get the picture Amin has in his determined little head. He wants to turn IS25 into something you’re going to treasure, savor, hoard and gloat about for at least another 25 years—much in the same way you held your very first Interstellar Suite vinyl album so many years ago.
Won’t you consider becoming a part of the crew to make the IS25 Collectors Edition happen? No donation is too small!
We're Fundraising for $10,000 to supplement the budget of $20,000.
Amin's already budgeted $10,000 out of his own pocket to cover the technical costs and fees of making the surround sound mix, including:
- multi-track tape transfers
- engineer/producer mastering crew
- digital release of the 5.1 album
- binaural version for excellent earbud audio
- creative fees for the bonus feature videos
- artwork for the DVD package
- manufacturing of the DVD
- a glossy, full color, hardcover book on the album's history, replete with interviews and quotes from the production team as well as from celebrities and fans.
The Perks for Your investment
In addition to Amin's sincere and unending gratitude, we’re also offering a plethora of cool perks for being part of the Interstellar crew:
A download of an IS25 BINAURAL stereo version specially derived for your headphones or earbuds (headphones not included),
PLUS a download of the Dolby Digital AC-3 surround version,
PLUS the new Interstellar Suite Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound Collectors Edition DVD*. Music and Video extras and tributes!
AND Collectors Edition T-shirt*,
AND The Interstellar Suite 2003 remastered stereo CD version,
AND a NEW audio release download "From the Vault" featuring earlier experiments bonus tracks and demos. (The stuff from the vault may be familiar to keyboard players and fans of Amin's Roland trade show concerts)
AND an Autographed Collectors' Edition Book* chronicling the life of The Interstellar Suite, its history, production and detailed descriptions of every track, with interviews and quotes from the production team as well as from celebrities and fans.
But wait there’s more!
- Your name in a thank you list in the collectors book,
- Your name or company featured in the DVD credits and book,
AND for a limited time at a special contribution level a Personally Autographed Original Vinyl Version from 1987 (note there are only ten of these!)
Think we’re done? Oh no…
How about a Private Album Listening Party in either Toronto or Los Angeles in a professional surround studio facility, with an opportunity for discussion with Amin and his crew afterward?
Or what about dinner with the composer Amin Bhatia and a special guest from the album? Just imagine enjoying an amazing gourmet meal while talking about music, your career, gear love, and anything else under the sun—all while supporting the Bob Moog Foundation!
(*Final artwork may not be as shown. These are representations.)
Amin Bhatia in his studio.
Calling Fellow Audiophiles and Gearheads: Please Tell Your Friends!
Just like the emails that saved the Interstellar Suite from obscurity, your email to friends and family about this campaign can help to make this project a reality. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the IS25 project and for your support of pioneering musicians everywhere.
The Interstellar Crew
Also Find This Campaign On:
Team on This Campaign:
- Interstellar Crew
Composer Wrangler
- Dave Gross
Help make it happen for the team! Contribute toInterstellar Suite Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound Collectors Edition.
0.3775 Complete
Raised of $10,000 Goal
43 hours left
Flexible Funding campaign
This campaign will receive all of the funds contributed by Thu Nov 15 at 11:59PM PT.
for your contribution
$10IS25 Binaural Stereo Version
Download a specially derived Interstellar Suite headphone-only mix that will recreate the 5.1 surround version right inside your earbuds.
$20IS25 5.1 Surround Download
The above binaural version PLUS a download of the new Interstellar Suite 25th Anniversary 5.1 surround sound version in dolby digital AC3 format. Download it directly to your system and experience the analog synth orchestral space adventure in spectacular surround sound. Turn it up LOUD and take off!
$35IS25 Surround DVD w/ Extras
Both of the above PLUS The new Interstellar Suite 25th Anniversary 5.1 surround sound dolby digital DVD. Music and Video extras and tributes. Get your geek on!
$60IS25 Collectors' Audio Package
All of the above and The Interstellar Suite collectors edition T-shirt, 2003 CD version, AND a new audio release download "From the Vault" featuring earlier experiments bonus tracks and demos. The stuff from the vault may be familiar to keyboard players and fans of Amin's trade show concerts.
$100IS25 Collectors' Book Package
All of the above and an autographed collectors' edition book chronicling the life of The Interstellar Suite, its history, production and detailed descriptions of every track. with interviews and quotes from the production team as well as from celebrities and fans. Sit back and enjoy the Ultimate liner notes in this gorgeously illustrated book while the music fills your room.
$150Your Name in the Book
All the above and your name in a special thank you list in the collectors' book, Make it official and put your name among the group that made this project happen!
$200Your Logo in the DVD and Book
All the above and your name or company featured sponsor in the DVD credits and the book. Read it, see it, be a part of the whole collectors' package!
$225Exclusive Limited Original LP
All the above plus an exclusive personally autographed original vinyl version from 1987. There are only ten (10) of these available! (this tier only not future ones)
$250Toronto Listening Party
All the above plus attend a special screening of the 5.1 Surround Sound 25th Anniversary Collectors' Edition, with the composer, in a professional recording studio in Toronto. Opportunity for discussion afterwards. Refreshments and food provided. (transportation and lodging not included, exclusive LP not part of this level, price per person, date TBA Attendees will get 30 days notice before the event). Come and be a part of the celebration in Toronto!
$250Los Angeles Listening Party
All the above plus a private screening of the 5.1 Surround Sound 25th Anniversary Collectors' Edition in a professional recording studio in LA. Opportunity for discussion afterwards. Refreshments and food provided. (Does not include Toronto event, transportation and lodging not included, exclusive LP not part of this level, price per person, date TBA Attendees will get 30 days notice before the event). Come be a part of the celebration in Los Angeles!
$500Dinner with Amin Bhatia
All the above plus a dinner with Amin Bhatia and a special guest. Discuss music, gear, your career, and anything else under the sun while you enjoy a sumptuous dinner at a beautiful restaurant. A portion of this perk will be donated to the Bob Moog Foundation. (Either TO or LA listening event, transportation and lodging not included, exclusive LP not part of this level, price per person, date TBA Attendees will get 30 days notice before the event, location TBA in TO or LA).